Jinghan Sun 🧸

Jinghan Sun

Master’s student

Université de Montréal, Mila

I am a first year Master’s student at Université de Montréal and Mila supervised by Prof. Bang Liu. My research interests include the following topics in natural language processing: adversarial machine learning, causality, commonsense reasoning, and NLP applied to science.

I graduated from McGill University with a BSc in Joint Honours Mathematics and Computer Science in May 2023. At McGill, I was the Research Representative of McGill Computer Science Undergraduate Society for the 2022-2023 school year. Previously, I was a research assistant at DMaS with Prof. Benjamin Fung, Roger Tomlinson Lab with Prof. Renee Sieber, and .txtlab with Prof. Andrew Piper.

What’s new?

  • [03/24] I will be interning at IBM Consulting as a Machine Learning Developer this summer!
  • [02/24] My paper on dynamic common sense reasoning got accepted by LREC-COLING 2024. See you in Turin, Italy!
  • [09/23] For the fall semester, I am a teaching assistant for the course IFT 1065 (Structures discrètes).
  • [06/23] I will present a poster on common sense reasoning and human-in-the-loop at the ACL 2023 Student Research Workshop in Toronto, Canada.
  • [05/23] I received the FRQNT Master’s research scholarship!
  • [02/23] I will join Nuance this summer as a Research Developer Intern.
  • [02/23] I will join Prof. Bang Liu’s group at Université de Montréal and Mila as a MSc student this September!

Work Experience

IBM Consulting
Machine Learning Developer Intern
May 2024 – August 2024 Montreal, Quebec
Nuance Communications (Microsoft)
Research Developer Intern
May 2023 – August 2023 Montreal, Quebec
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
Data Scientist Intern
May 2021 – August 2021 Montreal, Quebec

Selected Publications

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Note: My pronouns are she/her. I speak English, français, and 中文, so feel free to use any language to initiate!